孟山都说客 法国访问现场自己打脸


法国电视台 Canal+ 最近采访孟山都说客Dr. Patrick Moore﹐他坚持说这除草剂农药﹐与阿根廷的癌症剧升无关。当场夸言﹐说喝下一夸脱(0.946毫升)都没问题﹐主持人当场说要提供给他喝﹐把他吓坏了﹐当场翻脸。


Dr. Patrick Moore: “You can drink a whole quart of (Roundup) and it won’t hurt you.”你可以喝一夸脱(这除草剂)﹐它不会伤害你

Canal+: “You want to drink some? We have some here.”你要喝一些吗﹖我们这里有一些。

Moore: “I’d be happy to, actually…. Uhh…Not.. Not really. But I know it wouldn’t hurt me.”我乐于如此﹐实际上 .... 呃 ... 不... 不是真要。但我知道它不会伤害我。

Canal+: “If you say so, I have some glyphosate, have some.”如果你这样说﹐我有一些草甘膦﹐来一些吧。

Moore: “No. I’m not stupid.”不要﹐我不笨。

Canal+: “So, it’s dangerous, right?所以它是危险的﹐对不对﹖

Moore: “No, People try to commit suicide with it and fail; fail regularly.”不危险﹐人们用它来自杀然后失败了﹔经常失败。

Canal+: “Tell the truth, it’s dangerous.”讲说实话﹐它是危险的

Moore: “It’s not dangerous to humans.”对人们不危险

Canal+: “So, are you ready to drink one glass?”所以﹐你准备好要喝一杯吗﹖

Moore: “No, I’m not an idiot. Interview me about golden rice, that’s what I’m talking about.”

Canal+: “We did.”我们有这样做。

Moore then abruptly ends the interview by calling the host a “complete jerk” and storms off.

