

MP3 音响文件


1. 转眼又一年, 相会是机缘, 你可听过我讲的真象, 慈悲的召唤。 愿你有美好的未来, 愿你过好每一年, 愿你理智更清晰 事事擦亮眼。 2. 愿你早醒悟, 为何来世间, 愿你记起来时愿 早日结善缘。 等了一世又一世, 盼了一年又一年, 愿你早日明真象, 大法已在传。 愿你早日明真象, 有缘再相见。 "Warm Wishes" In a blink of the eye, another year has passed Perhaps our meeting was meant to be Have you heard about the truth that’s spreading? It’s the call of compassion I’m wishing you a bright future Wishing you wellness for all the years Wishing you clarity of thought And eyes that may see the world anew May you, too, quickly waken For why were we born into this world? May you recall what vows you once made And rekindle your destined connection Having waited countless ages Having hoped year after year May you soon find the truth you seek I hear the Great Teachings are now spread May you embark on the path of return And, fate smile upon us, may we meet again